How do I register a company on CBP?

Ensure that you have the following before proceeding to register a company on CBP:

  • Fully executed Memorandum of Association
  • Fully executed Articles of Association
  • Completed the sections in CBP for all persons and entities who are directors, officers, shareholders of the company
  • Nature of the business
  • Debit/credit card
2024-04-16T09:06:37-05:00February 23rd, 2023|

I need to file my annual returns on CBP. How do I proceed?

Before you can file your annual return you must first file the beneficial ownership information and wait for approval from the Registry.

  • On the “dashboard”, click on “Service”.
  • Select “Annual Return” from the drop-down box.
  • Click on “New Service”.
  • Once that smart form opens up to the top left, you will see “Filing Year”. Select the year you need to file. The outstanding fee will automatically populate “Annual Fee Due”.
  • Populate all fields noting that those with the “*” are mandatory:
    • “Email”
    • “Name of Person Making Declaration”
    • “Position”
    • “Shareholder Meeting Date”
    • “Shareholder Meeting Location” (that can just be the district it was held in)
    • Address of the company (including PO Box), which can be selected from the dropdown box
    • List of all persons who were members of the Company on the fourteenth day succeeding the first General meeting. If this is not automatically populated click on “Add”
      • then enter the first 3 to 4 letters of your name
      • click on “Search”.
      • Once the name appears, on the extreme right click on “+” and another window will appear.
      • Click on the dropdown boxes and autofill them
        •  “Identification”
        • “Postal address”
        • “Physical address”
  • On the right there are 3 boxes, select the one/s that is applicable to each individual. Then populate:
    • “% of Share”
    • “Start Date”
    • “End Date” (ONLY if the individual ceased being a shareholder before the 1st of January of the annual return year. If that is the case then also add that person under *Persons who have ceased to be Members since the last return.) ****Please note this is done for each “Shareholder” on the entity.
  • Directors & Officers

    • Click on “Add” similar to the procedure to add the “Shareholders”.  DO NOT enter an “End date” unless the individual ceased being a director/officer before the 1st of January of the annual return year.

    Complete ALL three (3) questions at the bottom selecting all that apply to your business.


    • SAVE

To retrieve documents filed or requested through CBP please go to “Documents Received” on the portal.

2024-04-16T09:05:42-05:00February 22nd, 2023|

On CBP, what is “% of Share”?

The “% of Share” is the amount of that shareholder’s shares, divided by the “Amount of shares taken to date”, multiplied by 100.

2024-04-16T09:07:12-05:00February 21st, 2023|

How do I make the beneficial owner (“BO”) filing (First Time) on CBP?

After logging on to CBP you will be directed to the “Dashboard”

  • go to “Service”
  • click on the dropdown box select “Beneficial Owners” from the list
  • select “New Service Request”

The window with Beneficial Owners will automatically appear with the information previously entered.

  1. Set up profile
  2. Populate “Amount of shares taken to date
  3. There is then a box to the bottom left you click on that and then select “Submit Now”.
2024-04-16T11:07:03-05:00February 21st, 2023|

How do I create a profile for a beneficial owner on CBP?

Once your entity verification has been approved you may proceed to create a profile for each individual and/or corporate entity in “People and Business”:

  1. Ensure that IDs for each person or certificate of incorporation (or similar documents) for each corporate entity are scanned to your computer.
  2. When you log in it takes you straight to the “Dashboard”.
  3. Select “People and Business” (to the right).
  4. Then “Add Person” (if the Beneficial Owner is a person), OR “Add Business” (if it is a business).
  5. Populate all information fields (nothing is optional – even if that is stated).
  6. SAVE.
2024-04-16T11:10:04-05:00February 20th, 2023|

I have forgotten my CBP password. How do I get a new one?

You may click on “FORGOT PASSWORD” and then enter your user name or email address that was used when registering on CBP.

If an incorrect username or email address is entered, the system will not issue a new password. Then you will need to visit the General Registry

2024-04-16T09:03:53-05:00February 20th, 2023|

How do I apply for verification of my CBP account


  • Click “Sign in”
  • Click “SIGN UP” and follow instructions for “Owner Registration”

Once you have completed your application, please submit.  ROC will review your application and you will receive an email to confirm verification.  After verification you may proceed with making filings.

2024-04-16T09:03:40-05:00February 15th, 2023|
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